7 lessons that year 2022 taught me

Vidhita Kher
4 min readDec 31, 2022

Sharing my highs and lows of the year 2022 with key learnings for you.

This is me throughout the year 2022

As the year 2022 comes to and end, I took some time out to reflect upon this year and look back at all the memories that 2022 created for me. Firstly, this year saw some movement in terms of going places and also the onset of hybrid work mode. Seeing your colleagues face to face after such a long break was a sight to behold. Then additionally for me I has to change city for my work so a part of my time this year went into shifting. But I am blessed with friends and family who were always there for me and checking up on me constantly even when I was physically away from them.

Since this year involved lot of travel therefore the lessons learnt on the go were many. Human interaction increased on a different level post pandemic in this year and so did i made some personal milestones too.

Let’s begin with my seven lessons learnt in this year of 2022 :-

Lesson 1 — Less is more

This is one of the key lessons I learnt this year. LESS IS MORE. Less of makeup means better skin, less friends means more quality conversations and less accessories means more clarity to pick what to wear. When you have limited options to choose from, it makes life simple and less clutter means less stress in life.

Lesson 2—Celebrate small wins

This year I had put efforts to share content in video formats and build up my Youtube channel. I’m a bit of private person in terms of sharing my space and life online but I like to share my learnings with everyone so that others can benefit from it. Therefore I was very skeptical in the beginning as to how things will turn out once I put things out there. As soon as I reached 100 subscribers I celebrated it by treating myself with a delicious healthy meal and so on so forth. I would encourage you all also to celebrate every win of yours be it insignificantly small especially if it seemed impossible at some point in your life.

Lesson 3— Accept the situation as it is

This year I faced some situations which didn’t turn in my favor even when I had put the best of my efforts. It made me sad for quite some time and after I came out of it I realised one important lesson i.e. at times in life we have to accept the situation as it is and move forward in life. It’s not called losing ,its called acceptance which is very crucial trait to imbibe.

Lesson 4— Minimize regrets

We all know that we either win or we learn. If you can make things turn out in your favour then definitely go for it but if things go out of your control then let it go and don’t carry the regret of not getting it for too long in your mind. It’s always better to erase that memory of regret so that it doesn’t deter you from taking any new steps in your future.

Lesson 5— Keep pushing your limits

No matter what, always keep pushing your limits be it in your professional life or personal space. For example, If you want to publish a video or write a post before a certain deadline then make it happen come what may, don’t postpone things. It will help you in the long run. Trust me, this has worked for me and I’m sure if you also work an extra mile, you will see tremendous outcomes in your life.

Lesson 6— Be your own cheerleader

On days when I am not able to achieve my 100%, I still cheer myself up and keep the spirit alive so that I can come back stronger the next day. This habit have come into existence after I have learnt that YOU yourself are your BIGGEST cheerleader. Don’t engage in negative self-talk and keep repeating positive affirmations to yourself on days when things are not working in your favour.

Lesson 7— Be grateful

Last but not the least, one of the most important lessons I have learnt and incorporated in my life is to be grateful for all the things that I have in my life and whatever I have accomplished so far. Every morning for two minutes, I thank God for being alive and being able to pursue my dreams. I feel grateful for all my family and friends and all the work that I have been able to do so far. Once we become grateful for all the things that we have, we become receptive for more things in our life. I firmly believe that abundance is directly proportional to gratitude.

Conclusion — With every year we learn something new and try to improve ourselves. I always try to keep an open eye for improving myself and learning new skills. I pray that this new year 2023 brings all the happiness and luck to all my followers and everyone. I hope this new year brings peace and prosperity in this world and the corona virus and its variations remains at bay. Cheers and good luck to all!

